A woman with grey hair and blue shirt smiling.

EMBRACE YOUR AUTHENTIC PATH - awaken creative solutions

Hi, I am Michelle Gray and I want to join with you to find and embrace your Authentic Path to self-knowledge, self-confidence, and self-expression.  I am a Professional Certified Coach (ICF) and a Full Member of the International Society for Coaching Psychologoy.  It is my pleasure and honor to help you manifest and maintain a fierce faith in your potentials.

My gifts are strong perception warmed with decades of personal and professional experience in walking an Authentic Path towards a worthy dream. Each person I have coached in the past 35 years has amazed and inspired me.  I understand that you are unique and I expect your path to be unique. I welcome that experience.

I am devoted to helping my clients achieve their highest potentials and live the life they aspire to. Many of the people I work with have been very successful in their life paths but sometimes feel not quite aligned with their current and future dreams.  They come to achieve clarity, develop self-confidence, create new ways of being in the world, including creative self-expression. You might be one of those people who wish to understand and express your Authentic Path.  If so, I would love to talk with you!

If you would like to learn more about my approach to creating sustained change and my qualifications, please see About Dr. Gray.

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A logo of authentic path coaching
A person holding a heart in their hands.

Awaken creative solutions

Transformation is a way of life, not a moment in time.  Thoughtful conversations can lead us to understand what we want to do next in our growth process. We are are all on the pathway to our truest expression and sometimes we might lead a little Coaching to get there.

The Journey Paths that I offer are Jungian Coaching for Self-exploration, Creative Arts Coaching for enhanced Self-expression, and Solution Focused Coaching for creating new and exciting pathways to success. You may wish to focus on one or more of these Journeys to create your own Authentic Path.


Whether you are having a challenge in

  • clarifying a problem
  • visualizing a solution
  • determining a method for change
  • motivating an implementation
  • sustaining the change you have already made

A competent, caring conversation can help you reach your goals.


Executive Leader Coaching

You are an agile learner who wants to manifest your dreams for yourself and your organization.  It would be my honor and privilege to help you build the unbreakable mindset to get you there. Through my training as an Organizational Psychologist and experienced Executive Coach, I have worked intimately with the interchange of impacts between organizational systems and its leaders. I apply these understandings as an Executive Coach to help develop the Self of the Leader, to build their vision, strengthen their unique intelligence, and fortify their resilience.

My 40 years in Psychology is a depth of understanding that most coaches do not offer. My practice as an Executive Coach includes deep knowledge in Leadership Development, Authentic/ Emotional Intelligence, Solution-focused/ Narrative approaches, Servant/ Ethical Leadership concerns, Applied Systemic Team models.  I have applied these models with clients whose work in environment systems that ranges from Fortune 500 to medical/ dental practices, to non-profits, to small family businesses and to entrepreneurs/solopreneurs.

Literally, everyone lives within multiple internal and external systems that intertwine and attempt to force stability, which can manifest as stuckness and frustration.  Likewise, change in one system (eg internal mindset) can lead to dynamic rippling changes in all systems.  Correcting self-imposed limiting thoughts in one arena can lead to a complete change in the Leader’s life for the better. I am well equipped to help with these types of efforts. Once the Leader can articulate their unique value and understands their contribution to the solution, they are able to achieve their goals and the broader their impact. I want to help Leaders manifest their Dreams for the organizations/ people they serve.

Creative Life Coaching


Let me help you manifest and maintain a fierce faith in your potentials.  I am devoted to helping my clients achieve their highest potentials and live the life they aspire to. Clients come to my coaching practice in order to have competent, caring conversations about who they are (and have the potential to be) and to maintain the confidence they need to carry out their dreams. Even though I have coached for over 35 years, my clients continue to amaze and inspire me.

Each human being is unique, with individual strengths and opportunities, as well as learned challenges that create problems. Sometimes it is difficult to see the path forward towards one's desired dreams.  Solutions often arise out of honoring one's innate positive strengths, while learning new ways to embrace and engage with one's challenges.  It is my experience that clients enjoy a friendly, direct, and supportive conversations about the goal they want to achieve.  There are many ways to understand a stuckness problem and it helps to have a competent and skilled coach to help explore all the possibilities for resolution.

I enjoy understanding and working with people of from many backgrounds and ages.  During our conversations together, we will clarify what you would like to focus and goals will be made to achieve the results you would like to see. We can explore your most brilliant thoughts about your identified problem and goal, as well as any stuckness you experience in achieving those goals. I am a very experienced life change agent and my primary goal is my client's happiness and life satisfaction.  It is truly an honor to do my work.

I especially enjoy working with clients on:

  • Desire to create a life that is full of meaning and promise
  • Transitions caused by a desire to fulfill a Dream
  • Transitions caused by expected or unexpected change in life circumstances
  • Creative Visions and Blocks
  • Understanding and Asserting Needs in Relation to Others
  • Work and Career Decisions  and Transitions
  • Maintaining Attention and Motivation
  • Health and Wellness: Stress Management and Life Balance



GrayMatter-solutions organizational consulting

In today’s highly competitive environment, the ability to learn is a critical success factor for both individuals and organizations.  Resilience and flexibility are essential qualities for long-term success in such learning.  Facilitating an organization in the development of these abilities and qualities requires the change agent to possess a sophisticated understanding of the process of change, as well as of the unique qualities of the organization’s culture and its population.

As a systems-based Organizational Psychologist, I have worked with organizational systems that range from Fortune 500 to medical/dental practices, to non-profit teams and boards,to small family businesses, to entrepreneirs/ solopreneurs.

I have extensive education and training in the theoretical and practical foundations of change and have been facilitating the process of transformative change in individuals, teams, and organizations for 30+ years.  I am a seasoned change agent and consultant with strong skills in organizational development and analysis: including collaboration, training, and conflict resolution.  I strive to assist individuals and teams achieve goals quickly by utilizing existing strengths to develop solutions and by teaching effective methods of managing stress and conflict. I am a skilled educator and presenter, and have been nationally recognized as a trainer. I believe in a life-long commitment to learning about transformation processes, seeing “education as a journey and not a destination”. (Rogers, 1972).

Services Offered:

  • Organizational Development & Analysis
  • Team Building and Training
  • Coaching for Effective Leadership
  • Process Consultation
  • Focus Groups
  • Succession Planning
  • Stress Management and Wellness Programs
  • Career Development
  • Conflict Resolution /Mediation
A door with many gears and other things on it

Something new and cool!

I regularly host new and free offerings in Jungian and Art Expression.  These include

  • Dreamscapes Dream and Discussion Group
  • Dreamscapes Special Events
  • Dreamscapes Unveiled Gallery Show through ART-X Festival

This month's featured event is a Dreamscapes Special Event to be held Sunday, March 17 at 3pm MST.


a film by Christine Clawley

We will view a premier selection of clips with commentary from Filmmaker and Q&A

About Tapestry of Time

Nearly everyone has experienced brief moments of insight, clarity, or a feeling of timelessness in which life begins to take on a synchronistic or dreamlike quality. In these moments, the magic and wonder of life often returns and we can experience mundane or profound, meaningful connections. Synchronicity and other time anomalies grant the individual a glimpse into a deeper reality, beyond the limits of space, time, and linear causality. This film’s aim is to give voice to those experiences often silenced by experts, authoritative figures, and even ourselves, as well as offer old and new ways to relate to the most precious, elusive physical quantity known.



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Next Steps...

If you think that you would like to work with me, please call and leave a message on my voice mail.  I strive to return new client calls within 1-2 business days.  We will then have an initial conversation to ask each other questions and determine if we want to work together to make the changes you desire a reality.